Shrimp (Hippolyte coerulescens), Hydroid (Aglaophenia latecarinata) and Sargasso Barnacle (Lepas pectinata) on Sargasso Weed or Broad-toothed Gulfweed (Sargassum fluitans) Sargassum Community. Sargasso Sea, Bermuda | Garnele (Hippolyte coerulescens), Hydrozoen (Aglaophenia latecarinata) und Sargassoseepocken (Lepas pectinata) auf Sargassotang.
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- Solvin Zankl
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ALGE ALGEN Algae Animal Animals BRAUNALGEN Brown algae Crustacea Crustacean Crustaceans HYDROZOE HYDROZOEN Hydroid Hydroids Hydrozoa Hydrozoans Invertebrata Invertebrate Invertebrates Invertebrates – marine KREBS KREBSE KREBSTIER KREBSTIERE MAKROALGEN Macroalgae Neuston SARGASSO MEER Sargasso Sea Sargassosea Sargassum TIER TIERE WIRBELLOS WIRBELLOSE
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