Autobahn A210 Anschlussstelle Melsdorf - Weinbergschnecke (Helix pomatia) bei der Paarung | Burgundy snail, Roman snail, edible snail or escargot (Helix pomatia)
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- Solvin Zankl
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Animal Animals BEGATTUNG BIOTOP Behavior Behaviour Copulation Depth of field Invertebrata Invertebrate Invertebrates Invertebrates – terrestrial KOPULATION MOLLUSKEN Male and Female Mating Mating Behaviour Mollusca Molluscs Mollusk MÄNNCHEN UND WEIBCHEN No People PAAR PAARE PAAREN PAARUNG Pairing SCHNECKE SCHNECKEN SCHNECKENHAUS SINNESORGAN SINNESORGANE Sense Organ Sense Organs Snail Snail shell Snails TIER TIERE Two Two Animals VERHALTEN WEICHTIER WEITWINKEL WIESE WIESEN WIRBELLOS WIRBELLOSE Wide Angle Wide View Macro Wide-Angle Close-up Wildlife corridors ZWITTER
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