Birds take their profit from the huge numbers of long-tailed mayflies (Palingenia longicauda) that rise from the river surface during the Tisza blooming. Tisza blooming (Tiszavirágzás). It is when millions of long-tailed mayflies (Palingenia longicauda) are rising in huge clouds, reproduce, and perish, all in just a few hours.
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ARTHROPODEN Animal Animals Arthropoda Arthropods BEUTE BIENENFRESSER Bee-Eater EINTAGSFLIEGEN Ephemeroptera Ephemoptera FLUSS Freshwater Freshwater Habitat Freshwater species GLIEDERFÜSSER GLIEDERFÜßER Hungary INSEKT INSEKTEN Insect Insecta Insects Invertebrata Invertebrate Invertebrates Invertebrates – terrestrial Long-Tailed MAI MAIFLIEGE May Mayflies Mayfly No People Palingenia longicauda River Standing waters SÜSSWASSER SÜSSWASSER LEBENSRAUM SÜSSWASSERARTEN SÜßWASSER THEISS THEIß TIER TIERE Tisza Blooming Tisza River Tiszavirágzás Twig UNGARN WIRBELLOS WIRBELLOSE ZWEIFLÜGLER ZWEIG
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- Mayfly | Eintagsfliegen