The community of Ostional, Pacific coast of Costa Rica, runs a project of sustainable use of the olive ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea). The eggs, a popular snack in Costa Rica, are harvested during the first days of a large arribada, and bagged for legal and controlled sale throughout the country. A large arribada event may include hundreds of thousands of female olive ridleys. As many nests of the early nesters are destroyed by the following turtles it seems possible to take the early eggs without influencing the future population of this species, listed as vulnerable in the IUCN red list. However, the project at Ostional is a very complex activity influencing in many ways the likewise complex and not fully studied ecology of a sea turtle. The olive ridley may be less secure as it superficially appears to be when witnessing the high numbers of nesting females at Ostional. Measured by the numbers of nests laid this beach is the most important nesting area for this species in the world. | In einem weltweit wohl einzigartigen Projekt wird versucht, die Bedürfnisse der lokalen Bevölkerung in einer armen Region mit den notwendigen Maßnahmen zum Schutz einer gefährdeten Meeresschildkrötenart sinnvoll und nachhaltig zu verbinden.
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AMERIKA America Animal Animals BASTARDSCHILDKRÖTE BEDROHTE TIERART BEDROHTE TIERARTEN BEDROHTE TIERE BEDROHTES TIER Beach Beach Life Beaches Central America Chelonia Coastal Waters Costa Rica EI EIER Egg Eggs Endangered Animal Endangered Species KRIECHTIER KRIECHTIERE Lepidochelys olivacea MEERESSCHILDKRÖTE MEERESSCHILDKRÖTEN MEERESTIER MEERESTIERE MENSCH National Park OLIV-BASTARDSCHILDKRÖTE Olive Ridley Sea Turtle Olive Ridley Turtle Ostional PAZIFISCHER OZEAN POIKILOTHERM Pacific Pacific Ocean People REPTIL REPTILIEN Reptile Reptiles SCHILDKRÖTE SCHILDKRÖTEN STRAND STRÄNDE Sea Turtle Sea Turtles Seaturtle Seaturtles South America South American TIER TIERE Turtle Turtles Vertebrata Vertebrate Vertebrates WECHSELWARM WIRBELTIER WIRBELTIERE zz_05
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- Sea turtle | Schildkröte