Mantis Shrimp
[M][Digital focus stacking] - Mantis shrimps belong to the Stomatopods, a group of the crustaceans. Stomatopods have larval stages as the one shown here, the so called alima larva, which moult by moult come closer and closer to the adult appearance. As long as they live in the plankton they remain transparent. [size of single organism: 1,5 cm] | Fangschreckenkrebs Larve im pelagischen Larvenstadium
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- AWI/Solvin Zankl
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ARTHROPODEN ATLANTIK Abyss Abyssal Abyssal Sea Animal Animals Arthropoda Arthropods Atlantic BIZARR Bizarre Captive Census of Marine Life Crustacea Crustacean Crustaceans Deep Sea Deep Sea Plankton Deep-Sea Deep-Sea Creature Deepsea Deepwater Digital Composite Digital Focus Stacking EIN EINZELNES EINZELTIER FANGSCHRECKENKREBS GLIEDERFÜSSER GLIEDERFÜßER INDONESIEN INDONESISCH Image stacking Indo Pacific Indonesia Indonesian Indopacific Invertebrata Invertebrate Invertebrates Invertebrates – marine KREBS KREBSE KREBSTIER KREBSTIERE KRUSTENTIER LARVE LARVEN LARVENSTADIUM Larva Larvae Larval Stage MAKROAUFNAHME MAKROFOTO MARIN MAULFUßKREBS MEER MEERE MEERESTIER MEERESTIERE MIKROAUFNAHME MIKROBIOLOGIE MIKROKOSMOS MIKROSKOPIE MIKROSKOPISCH Macro Shot Mantids Mantis Mantis Shrimp Mantis Shrimps Marine Marine Zooplankton Meroplankton Micro Microbiology Microscopic Microscopy No People OZEAN OZEANE One PAZIFISCHER OZEAN PHOTOMIKROGRAFIE PLANKTON POLARSTERN Pacific Pacific Ocean Photomicrography Plancton Planktonic Planktons SALZWASSER SKURRIL SPEERER Saltwater Sea Shrimp Shrimps Small World Spearer Studio SÜDHALBKUGEL TIEFSEE TIEFSEETIER TIEFSEETIERE TIER TIERE TRANSPARENT The Deep Translucent Twilight UNTERWASSER UNTERWASSERAUFNAHME UNTERWASSERWELT Under Water Underwater WIRBELLOS WIRBELLOSE ZOOPLANKTON c_03
- Contained in galleries
![[M][Digital focus stacking] - Mantis shrimps belong to the Stomatopods, a group of the crustaceans. Stomatopods have larval stages as the one shown here, the so called alima larva, which moult by moult come closer and closer to the adult appearance. As long as they live in the plankton they remain transparent. [size of single organism: 1,5 cm] | Fangschreckenkrebs Larve im pelagischen Larvenstadium](