By-the-wind Sailor (Velella velella) is a rafting pelagic marine organism with a triangular sail. Always floating/sailing on the sea surface. The deep blue colour of Velella is due to peculiar pigments (astaxantine) that defend the colony from the sun light. Velella is not a single animal, but it is colony. The By-The-Wind-Sailor (Velella velella), a hydrozoan, is carried across the ocean by a raft and a triangular sail. The polyp colony lives below the water surface, using tentacles to catch plankton and other small prey. By-The-Wind-Sailors often occur in larger groups, and to ensure that not all these little boats are blown ashore at unfavorable winds, half of the population has a left-handed sail, and the other half is right-handed. They serve as food for the blue dragon (Glaucus sp.) or the violet sea-snail (Janthina janthina). All these species belong to the neuston, a group of marine organisms that live directly at the sea surface and connect the deeper ocean to the atmosphere. It is threatened by climate change and pollution, as well as very recently by structures that are used to collect plastic litter from the ocean surface. Sargasso Sea, Bermuda | Die Segelqualle (Velella velella) – keine Qualle, sondern eine ein Hydrozoa – wird von einem Floß und einem dreieckigen Segel übers Meer getragen. Die Polypenkolonie lebt unterhalb der Wasseroberfläche und benutzt Tentakel, um Plankton und andere kleine Beutetiere zu fangen. Segelquallen treten oft in größeren Gruppen auf, und damit nicht alle dieser Bötchen bei ungünstigen Winden an Land getrieben werden, hat die Hälfte der Population ein linksgerichtetes Segel, die andere Hälfte ein rechtsgerichtetes.
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ANTHOZOEN Animal Animals Anthozoans Cnidaria Cnidarians Colonial organism Complex organisms GELATINÖSE TIERE GELATINÖSES PLANKTON GELATINÖSES ZOOPLANKTON Gelatinous Gelatinous Animal Gelatinous plankton Gelatinous zooplankton HYDROZOEN Hydroid Hydroids Hydrozoa Hydrozoans Impressive Invertebrata Invertebrate Invertebrates Invertebrates – marine Jellies Jelly Jelly Fish Jellyfish KOLONIALER ORGANISMUS KOMPLEXE ORGANISMEN MEDUSA MEDUSE MEERESLEBEWESEN Marine Life NESSELTIERE Neuston OZEAN-TREIBER Ocean drifters PELAGISCH Pelagic QUALLE QUALLEN SARGASSO MEER SIPHONOPHOREN STAATSQUALLE STAATSQUALLEN Sargasso Sea Sargassosea Siphonophor Siphonophorae Siphonophore Siphonophores TIER TIERE WIRBELLOS WIRBELLOSE ZOOIDEN ZOOPLANKTON Zooids
- Contained in galleries
- Ocean - Neuston, Sargassosea | Meer