This crustacean (Epimeria cornigera) of the order Amphipoda does not have a common name. It lives at depths of several hundred meters, e.g. at the cold water reefs off the Norwegian coast on this white lophelia coral (Lophelia pertusa). The amphipod is distributed throughout the North East Atlantic. Its maximum body length is approx. 16 mm and it feeds on hydroids. Trondheimfjord, North Atlantic Ocean, Norway. This picture was taken in cooperation with the GEOMAR [size of single organism: 12 mm] | Ein Flohkrebs (Amphipode) auf einem lebenden Ast der Kaltwasserkoralle Lophelia pertusa. Trondheimfjord, Norwegen
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ANTHOZOEN ARTHROPODEN ATLANTIK Amphipod Amphipoda Amphipods Animal Animals Anthozoans Arthropoda Arthropods Atlantic Atlantic Ocean Captive Central Europe Central European Cold water corals Coldwater Coral Corals Crustacea Crustacean Crustaceans Deep Sea Deep-Sea Deep-Sea Creature Deepsea Deepwater EUROPA Europe European FS Poseidon GLIEDERFÜSSER GLIEDERFÜßER HARTBODENBEWOHNER Invertebrata Invertebrate Invertebrates Invertebrates – marine KALTWASSER KORALLE KORALLEN KREBS KREBSE KREBSTIER KREBSTIERE Kaltwasserkoralle Kaltwasserkorallen MARIN MEER MEERE Marine Mitteleuropa NORWEGEN No People North Atlantic Norway Norwegian Coast OZEAN OZEANE P420 Reef SALZWASSER Saltwater Scandinavia Sea Studio TIEFSEE TIEFSEETIER TIEFSEETIERE TIER TIERE Temperate The Deep Trondheimsfjord Trondheimsfjorden Twilight UNTERWASSER UNTERWASSERAUFNAHME UNTERWASSERWELT Under Water Underwater WEISS WEIß WIRBELLOS WIRBELLOSE White europäisch mitteleuropäisch
- Contained in galleries
- Lophelia reef | Lophelia Riff, Amphipoda | Flohkrebse
![This crustacean (Epimeria cornigera) of the order Amphipoda does not have a common name. It lives at depths of several hundred meters, e.g. at the cold water reefs off the Norwegian coast on this white lophelia coral (Lophelia pertusa). The amphipod is distributed throughout the North East Atlantic. Its maximum body length is approx. 16 mm and it feeds on hydroids. Trondheimfjord, North Atlantic Ocean, Norway. This picture was taken in cooperation with the GEOMAR [size of single organism: 12 mm] | Ein Flohkrebs (Amphipode) auf einem lebenden Ast der Kaltwasserkoralle Lophelia pertusa. Trondheimfjord, Norwegen](