Unsichtbarer Räuber
Phronima, the pram bug amphipod, is a small, translucent deep-sea hyperiid amphipod of the family Phronimidae. It resembles a shrimp with a head, eyes, jaws and clawed arms. Phronima are only seen in the wild at great depths. Phronima are carnivorous; they eat small plankton. The eyes of the adult Phronima are a further feature of wonder in an animal already beset with extraordinary habits and adaptations. It has compound eyes, like most crustacea and insects, but unlike most it has four, not two. Each pair of eyes is situated on the side of the head. The outer and inner eye of each pair are actually in contact with each other. The outer eye is surrounded by a lozenge-shaped ball of eye-facet lenses commanding an enormous field of view - perhaps 270 degrees. One pair of eyes keeps a constant watch on the world ahead, whereas the other pair views the surroundings through the transparent walls of its temporary home. Phronima sp | Der Körper dieses kleinen Tiefsee-Krebses namens Phronima ist zum größten Teil durchsichtig, so kann er unauffällig im Plankton der Meere leben. Phronima ist ein Räuber: Er ernährt sich von kleinen Plankton-Organismen und überfällt darüber hinaus Salpen, die er aushöhlt um sie als "Kinderwagen" für seine Larven zu verwenden. (Atlantik)
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ARTHROPODEN ATLANTIK Abyss Abyssal Abyssal Sea Alien Ambush Predator Amphipod Amphipoda Amphipods Animal Animals Arthropoda Arthropods Atlantic BIZARR Bizarre Captive Census of Marine Life Creature Crustacea Crustacean Crustaceans Deep Sea Deep Sea Plankton Deep-Sea Deep-Sea Creature Deepsea Deepwater Drifters EXZENTRISCH Fascinating Faszinierend GESCHÖPF GLIEDERFÜSSER GLIEDERFÜßER GRUSELIG Holoplankton IMPONIEREND Impressive Invertebrata Invertebrate Invertebrates Invertebrates – marine KREATUR KREBS KREBSE KREBSTIER KREBSTIERE MARIN MEER MEERE Malacostraca Malacostracan Malacostracans Marine Marine Zooplankton No People OZEAN OZEANE PLANKTON POLARSTERN Parasitic Parasitism Phronima Plancton Planktonic Planktons Pram Bug SALZWASSER SKURRIL Saltwater Sea Spooky Studio TIEFSEE TIEFSEEFORSCHUNG TIEFSEETIER TIEFSEETIERE TIER TIERE The Deep Twilight UNTERWASSER UNTERWASSERAUFNAHME UNTERWASSERWELT Under Water Underwater WIRBELLOS WIRBELLOSE ZOOPLANKTON
- Contained in galleries
- Deep sea | Tiefsee, Amphipoda | Flohkrebse