Norway lemming
The Norway lemming (also Norwegian lemming), Lemmus lemmus, is a common species of lemming found in northern Scandinavia and adjacent areas of Russia. It is the only vertebrate species endemic to the region. The Norway lemming dwells in tundra and fells, and prefers to live near water. Adults feed primarily on sedges, grasses and moss. They are active at both day and night, alternating naps with periods of activity. | Der Berglemming (Lemmus lemmus) ist eine Art der Echten Lemminge (Lemmus), die in subarktischen und arktischen Gebieten Skandinaviens und der Kolahalbinsel lebt.
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AMÜSANT ARKTIS Adult Animal Animal Portrait Animals Arctic BARTHAAR BARTHAARE BERGLEMMING BERGLEMMINGE Central Europe Central European Cute DROLLIG Droll EIN TIER EUROPA Europe European Front Frontal Fun Funny GEBISS Gnawer Gnawers HAAR HAARE Hair Hairs LEMMINGE LUSTIG Lemming Lemmings MAUL MAUL OFFEN Mammal Mammalia Mammals Mass Migration Mitteleuropa Mouth Mouth Open Mouthpart Mouthparts NAGETIER NAGETIERE NAHAUFNAHME NASE NIEDLICH NORWEGEN Neat No People Norway Norway Lemming Norway Lemmings Nose Open Mouth PORTRÄT POSSIERLICH Portrait Portraits RACHEN Rodent Rodentia Rodents SCHNAUZE SCHNURRHAAR SCHNURRHAARE SCHWEDEN SINNESHAAR SINNESHAARE SINNESORGAN SINNESORGANE SINUSHAAR SINUSHAARE SKANDINAVIEN SKANDINAVISCH STREIT Scandinavia Sense Organ Sense Organs Sweden SÄUGETIER SÄUGETIERE TASTHAAR TASTHAARE TIER TIERE Teeth Temperate Tongue Tooth Tundra VIBRISSE VIBRISSEN Vertebrata Vertebrate Vertebrates Vibrissa Vibrissae WIRBELTIER WIRBELTIERE Whisker Whiskers Wildlife WÜHLMAUS WÜHLMÄUSE ZAHN ZUNGE ZÄHNE europäisch mitteleuropäisch opened
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