Pantopoda Pycogonid
Despite their English name the sea spider (Collossendeis proboscidea) is an arthropod that is not related to terrestrial spiders. Sea spiders have four pairs of legs and the head carries a proboscis flanked by two pairs of chelifores (appendages used for feeding). Picture was taken in cooperation with the Senckenberg Nature Research Society (SGN) | Rote Seespinne (Collossendeis proboscidea) Asselspinnen (Pycnogonida, Pantopoda) Das Bild entstand in Zusammenarbeit mit der Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung (SGN)
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ARTHROPODEN ATLANTIK Abyss Abyssal Abyssal Sea Animal Animals Arthropoda Arthropods Asselspinnen Atlantic Captive Cruise SO267 Crustacea Crustacean Crustaceans Dead Animal Deep Sea Deep-Sea Deep-Sea Creature Deepsea Deepwater FORSCHUNGSSCHIFF FS SONNE GLIEDERFÜSSER GLIEDERFÜßER Holoplankton Invertebrata Invertebrate Invertebrates Invertebrates – marine KREBS KREBSE KREBSTIER KREBSTIERE MARIN Marine MerMet 17-06 No People Pantopoda RV SONNE Research Vessel SALZWASSER SO267 Saltwater Sea spider Studio TIEFSEE TIEFSEETIER TIEFSEETIERE TIER TIERE TOTES TIER The Deep Twilight UNTERWASSER UNTERWASSERAUFNAHME UNTERWASSERWELT Under Water Underwater WIRBELLOS WIRBELLOSE
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