Coral Reef at 30m. Black Coral (Antipathes dichotoma) left and Tube Sponge (Kallypilidion sp.) right. Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean | Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesien, Pazifischer Ozean
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Animal Animals Asia Camouflage Camouflaged Coastal Waters Coral Coral Reef Coral Reefs Corals HARTBODENBEWOHNER INDONESIEN INDONESISCH Indo Pacific Indonesia Indonesian Indopacific Invertebrata Invertebrate Invertebrates Invertebrates – marine KORALLE KORALLEN KORALLENRIFF KORALLENRIFFE No People Osteichthyes PAZIFISCHER OZEAN Pacific Pacific Ocean RIFF Raja Ampat Reef SALZWASSER SCHWAMM SCHWÄMME Saltwater South East Asia South-East-Asia Sponge Sponges SÜDHALBKUGEL TIER TIERE Tropical UNTER WASSER UNTERWASSER UNTERWASSERAUFNAHME UNTERWASSERWELT Under Water Underwater Underwaterphotography WIRBELLOS WIRBELLOSE
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