Firefly Squid
Bioluminescent Firefly Squid (Watasenia scintillans) ( ほたるいか , hotaru-ika ) releasing eggs into the water. The spawning season of the firefly squid runs from March to May. During this time, the squid can be seen gathering in large numbers in Toyama Bay in Japan. They gather here by the millions to lay their eggs. Once the eggs have been released into the water the adult squid begins to die. This completes the one-year life cycle of the squid. Toyama Bay, Japan Dawn in Toyama Bay, Namerikawa, Japan | Die Leuchtkalmare (Watasenia scintillans) haben ihre Laichsaison von März bis Mai. Während dieser Zeit kommen die Tintenfische in flachere Wasserschichten. Die Eier werden aneinander gereiht, wie an einer Schnur in das Wasser abgegeben. Damit ist der einjährige Lebenszyklus des Tintenfisches abgeschlossen. Toyama-Bucht, Japan
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Abyss Abyssal Abyssal Sea Animal Animals BIOLUMINESZENZ Bioluminescence Bioluminescencent light Bioluminescent CEPHALOPODEN Cephalopod Cephalopoda Deep Sea Deep sea squid Deep-Sea Deep-Sea Creature Deepsea Deepwater Invertebrates Invertebrates – marine Japan KALMAR KALMARE KOPFFÜßER KREATUR Luminescent Luminous Luminous spots MARIN MEER MEERE MOLLUSKEN Marine Mollusc Mollusca Molluscs Mollusk OZEAN OZEANE Ocean SALZWASSER Saltwater Sea Squid Squids TENTAKEL TIEFSEE TIEFSEETIER TIEFSEETIERE TIER TIERE TINTENFISCH TINTENFISCHE Tentacle Tentacles The Deep Toyama Bay WEICHTIER WIRBELLOS WIRBELLOSE
- Contained in galleries
- Firefly Squid - Japan, Squid | Kalmare, Bioluminescence | Biolumineszenz