
The Bioluminescent Firefly Squid (Watasenia scintillans) ( ほたるいか , hotaru-ika ) spawning season runs from March to May. During this time, firefly squids can be seen gathering in large numbers to lay their eggs. Once the eggs have been released into the water, the adult squid dies. This completes the one-year life cycle of the squid. In Toyama Bay, in the central Japan Sea, the squid are found in abundance. Normally living at 400m underwater, the v shaped canyon in Toyama bay pushes the current, and the squid occasionally to the surface in massive numbers. Toyama Bay, Japan | Die Leuchtkalmare (Watasenia scintillans) haben ihre Laichsaison von März bis Mai. Während dieser Zeit kommen die Tintenfische in flachere Wasserschichten. Sobald die Eier in das Wasser freigegeben sind, stirbt das Erwachsene Tier. Damit ist der einjährige Lebenszyklus des Tintenfisches abgeschlossen. Toyama-Bucht, Japan

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The Bioluminescent Firefly Squid (Watasenia scintillans) ( ほたるいか , hotaru-ika ) spawning season runs from March to May. During this time, firefly squids can be seen gathering in large numbers to lay their eggs. Once the eggs have been released into the water, the adult squid dies. This completes the one-year life cycle of the squid. In Toyama Bay, in the central Japan Sea, the squid are found in abundance. Normally living at 400m underwater, the v shaped canyon in Toyama bay pushes the current, and the squid occasionally to the surface in massive numbers. Toyama Bay, Japan | Die Leuchtkalmare (Watasenia scintillans) haben ihre Laichsaison von März bis Mai. Während dieser Zeit kommen die Tintenfische in flachere Wasserschichten. Sobald die Eier in das Wasser freigegeben sind, stirbt das Erwachsene Tier. Damit ist der einjährige Lebenszyklus des Tintenfisches abgeschlossen. Toyama-Bucht, Japan